Dear friends,
As Churches are under lockdown due to the pandemic, our Jesuit Parish Church of Immaculate Heart of Mary at Kalena Agrahara in Bangalore is continuing its liturgical services to its parishioners and others worldwide with its live streaming of Holy Eucharist. The response has been very encouraging. Many of your friends and relatives would like to give Mass intentions in their own parishes but in the current situation this may not possible. We are very happy to help you and pray for you. If you want your Mass intention to be read on a particular day please send us by SMS or WhatsApp no: 9880655831. Mr Jude will give it to the priest who celebrates the Holy Eucharist to be read as well as the Mass intention will appear on the live streaming screen for few minutes. This would help you to pray for the intention in a much more personal way.
If you have any doubts please write to us: parishihmc@gmail.com
Our website: https://www.kalenaagraharachurch.org/